Support cacao farmers or specific community projects via the Next Generation Cacao Foundation.
Name of the account : Next Generation Cacao Foundation
Address of the Foundation : Stoofstraat 41 / rue de l’étuve 41 – 1000 Brussels
KBC Bank NV – Havenlaan 2, 1080 Brussels
IBAN BE70 7360 2499 7166
Please note that tax incentives or donation certificates are available for donations made
For every donation above €40, you will receive a tax certificate that allows you to deduct 45% of this amount from your taxes to be paid. This means that in case of a donation of €40, it will only cost you €22 (€40 x 55%). The certificate is granted by the Belgian government and is send to you by the Next Generation Cacao Foundation within the first three months after the year you have made the donation. This deduction is based on article 145/33 of the Belgian income tax code. This is for all donations received after 1 January 2019.
Donations from companies are also tax deductible up to 5% of the taxable income with an absolute maximum of 500.000 euro per year.
Donations made from the Netherlands to the Belgian foundation are tax deductible as from 9 august 2021. The Belgian foundation is recognized by the Dutch tax authorities as an “ANBI in de category: Artikel 5b lid 3 letter g AWR (Ontwikkelingssamenwerking)” under the RSIN number 8264.78.499. We refer to the website of the Dutch tax authorities for more specific information
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